SVE referee talent promoted

Immediately selected the right friend: Hanna Hofmann (right) next to Germany’s No. 1, FIFA – Referee Riem Hussein
The 17-year-old high school student is well-known at the SV Eintracht: with SVE top referee Celina Boehm she was an assistant several times in the women’s regional league and the men’s district league.
Since you don’t have to be a good actor as a referee, her role as “Jolina Bergmann” in the well-known ARD telenovela “Rote Rosen”, which is mainly filmed in Lueneburg, helped her as an exercise (see Landeszeitung from February, 4th 2020 ).
To rise her career she belongs to the referee talent teams of Heide-Wendland (local) and the NFV district of Lüneburg. The NFV district of Lüneburg reports on the course for district talents that took place in Rotenburg on September 18 on its website: talent course for referees in Rotenburg (Wuemme)
And at the end of September it even went up a podium: Hanna passed the women’s association referee course in Barsinghausen with a good result and is now referee in the Lower Saxony women’s “Oberliga” (4th league). Well done!
(October 1st, 2021)