Media 2019

Tournament video of the local press – –

DFB-Referee newspaper 05/2019 (when you click on the image, a jpg file with the article is displayed):











NFV-Journal 08/2019 (when you click on the image, a jpg file with the article is displayed):












Lüneburger Landeszeitung v. June 24th, 2019 (when you click on the image, a jpg file with the article is displayed):












Lüneburger Landeszeitung v. June 24th, 2019 (when you click on the image, a jpg file with the article is displayed):









Lünepost v. June 22nd/23rd, 2019 (when you click on the image, a jpg file with the article is displayed):












Lüneburger Landeszeitung June 22nd, 2019 (when you click on the image, a jpg file with the article is displayed):












Lüneburger Landeszeitung February 16th, 2019 (clicking on the picture will show a pdf-file with the article):

Original Version (in German)Translation